
5am lightning and bottles

Early morning feeding and an approaching storm

Sarah at the boys' crib just before the rain


Kai and Finn had a few firsts on Sunday and Monday. Sunday they received their first baths. That was an adventure! Babies hate naked! On Monday, Kai and Finn saw Dr. Huggins for their first checkup. They passed with flying colors but, once again, babies hate naked. Mom and Dad learned a little something on Monday, too. Bring a diaper bag and supplies. We just packed up the boys in their car seats and headed out for the appointment. Luckily, Kai and Finn had clean diapers when they were examined. We blame momnesia or new-parentnesia, a.k.a. sleep deprivation!

Finn's bath

Kai's bath


Weekend reassurance

A visit from the boys' Aunt Elisabeth and Cousin Lee Amber this weekend was enormously helpful to us, putting our new-parent anxieties at ease. We're so appreciative of their visit, and the boys definitely enjoyed it, too!
Finn and Aunt Elisabeth

Cousin Lee Amber and the boys


A moment for coffee and blogging

We're home. Our first night with the boys was last night, and oh what a doozie that was! This is gonna be some kind'a ride. I've found that I can "function" on 3 hours of sleep, though it's the morning after, before a shower and coffee, that is tough. I think we're doing ok. Sarah and I pulled a lot of all-nighters in college or grad school for a few projects, term papers or art exhibits, and I remember caffeine and alcohol were very beneficial. We're not to that point yet. Here's a moment of peace from this morning:


March 25, 2009

2:03 p.m. Kai Hewett Cutler, 5lbs 7oz, 16-1/2" long

2:13 p.m. Finn Garrett Cutler, 5lbs 15oz, 17" long

Mother and boys are doing great. We all get to go home on Friday. More news soon. -C.


Someone owes Christian $20!

We had our 35-week appointment today and received some surprising news... we'll be meeting our little sprouts tomorrow!! We've been instructed to be at the hospital at 5 a.m. for an induction. It's now 11 p.m. on Tuesday night, and both Christian and I are scrambling around trying to get a few last-minute things done. We'll keep you posted!


Scant 35

Sarah's a day or two from 35 weeks. I'm bettin' we have a couple boys in the next 7 to 12 days. $20. Who's in?

34 weeks and 5 days


Aunt Mary and Uncle Bud know style!

Super socks!
Are these not the cutest/coolest little socks ever?! I have always said that socks are the most under utilized accessory a man can wear. The little Cutler sprouts are gonna be style'n. Daddy's already jealous! Thank you Aunt Mary and Uncle Bud for the care package for mama and twins!


Almost time?

Monday was no fun. First of all, our landlord completely stressed us out and left us dreaming of the day when we'll own our own home. Secondly, I had a bad headache and felt jittery all day long. You would've thought I had taken a terbutaline, but I hadn't. And to top it all off, the contractions started to come more strongly and frequently. I blame the landlord.

On Tuesday morning, the contractions had exceeded the "six in an hour limit" set by the doctor, so I reluctantly took a terbutaline (more jitteriness!). Then it was off to the doctor for our 34-week appointment. My blood pressure was a little high (probably because of the terbutaline), but the babies seemed to be doing okay. The babies heart rates were monitored for about 45 minutes in the doctor's office, and we were told that they were doing fine. What a relief, especially given how bad I was feeling.

Now for the big news... we have a plan for welcoming our little sprouts into the world! At our next doctor's appointment, they'll do a final ultrasound to determine the size and position of the babies. This will determine whether or not a C-section will be necessary. I will also go off of the nifedipine, which I have been taking every six hours to prevent pre-term labor. Finally, nature will be allowed to take its course! My guess is we'll be meeting our baby boys very soon (they're getting pretty crowded in there)!

Friends and the UPS man


In East Texas there a lot of trucks on the streets. We live in jack-it-up, bigger-the-better, more-gas-consumption-the-merrier, and if-it-ain't-loud-why-drive-it country. If our alarm clock doesn't go off in the morning, one of four diesel pickups on the block will roll past the house and wake you up at 5, 5:30, 6:30 or 7am.

Yesterday I heard a truck on the street and from the sound of the engine I knew what type of truck it was. It was not a pickup from the block, a maintenance man or other large vehicle. It was the distinctive engine sound of the UPS man! I don't know about you, but when I hear the UPS man's truck on the block, I hope and wish he'd stop at my house! Yesterday he did! I hadn't ordered anything and neither had Sarah. The boys are already mischievous, bumping, rolling and kicking in Sarah's belly, but their internet surfing skills are still not well formed. So what was the UPS man bringing to us!?

Boehme-made receiving blankets
How about two of the most beautiful receiving blankets handmade by our friend Katie Boehme? They are kiwi/lime green with grey/brown and slate/light blue with grey/brown... a perfect match to the decor we've picked out for the twins! WOW! Thank you Katie and Chris Boehme!!


Star light...

March star
Star light,
Star bright.
First star I see tonight.
Wish I may,
Wish I might.
Grant this wish I wish tonight:

An uncomplicated labor for Sarah,
20 fingers, 20 toes,
2 healthy boys,
And clear sailing for another 3 weeks.


One month from today

Full term for twins is generally considered to be 37 weeks, which is just a month away. It's hard to imagine how much our lives are going to change in a very short time.

Although I know it's for the best, sometimes I get so frustrated by being on bed rest. There are so many things I want to do to prepare for the boys' arrival, but all I can do is watch Christian try to juggle everything on his own...preparing the nursery, cleaning and organizing the house, and caring for me. I know it will all be worth it in the end. I just wish I could be more of a partner to Christian right now.


32 weeks and counting...

Our most recent doctor's appointment was this past Tuesday... the little sprouts have made it to 32 weeks! Christian and I were excited to see them during the ultrasound exam, which estimated Baby A's weight to be 3 pounds 14 ounces and Baby B's weight at 4 pounds 2 ounces. Both were still in the vertex (head down) position, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Baby B flipped into the breech position a couple of days after the exam.

Aside from their daily rolls, bumps, kicks, and jabs, hiccups are also a regular occurrence. These little boys are quite active! They also tend to perk up when Christian gets home from work. I think they hear us talking, and it gets them moving!