1 : to grow, spring up, or come forth as or as if a sprout 2 : to send out new growth transitive verb : to send forth or up : cause to develop : grow
I love all the new posts and photos! Oh, those boys are beautiful and perfect. Congrats, again. It IS a big ride, so live for the sweet moments and soak them up! Keep telling yourselves that the sleepless nights are temporary, because they are. You have to take it all one day at a time, and you'll get there. :) What an awesome experience, to see these new little people discover themselves, each other, and the world!
I love all the new posts and photos! Oh, those boys are beautiful and perfect. Congrats, again. It
IS a big ride, so live for the sweet moments and soak them up! Keep telling yourselves that the sleepless nights are temporary, because they are. You have to take it all one day at a time, and you'll get there. :) What an awesome experience, to see these new little people discover themselves, each other, and the world!
Sorry, I meant to sign in as myself: Michelle Cox. :)
Your boys are just beautiful and the fun is just beginning - 5 am indeed!! :)
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