We hope we have not lost blog readers due to our lack of blog entries lately. These little boys leave us little time to do ANYTHING. Dinner enjoyment for mother and father has fallen to past nine p.m. most nights. I recently got a haircut after being mistaken for a Wookie. Laundry has taken the form of the Rocky Mountains in a closet and near the laundry room. Showering/bathing... what's that? But hey, it's all for a good cause!

Last weekend we took Kai and Finn to the Nacogdoches Farmer's Market. We have discovered that twins are something of a spectacle. It's as if we're a circus sideshow. One of us is the "Bearded Lady" and the other is "Twisto" the musical contortionist. Strangers flock to us. We were at Sam's Club on Tuesday and a woman went out of her way to see the boys saying she "just had to see!" I'm charging people that I don't know one dollar per peek next time.
Sleep and a date night might be obtainable this weekend. Grandmother and Grandfather Cutler are coming up for a visit. Hooray!