Well, Sarah's got a pain in her... rib (her left lower rib area, to be exact). The boys are getting bigger (a good thing), but her body can only expand outward, which includes pressure on the ribs. This is common during pregnancy, especially with twins. In some cases the rib(s) can be moved out of place and chiropractic adjustment is often recommended. Sarah's been in pain for days. We have our weekly doctor's appointment on Tuesday afternoon and will get Dr. Schaus' advice then. For now, Sarah's trying to resist movement and is reluctantly taking a Tylenol once or twice a day.
Thank you to Michelle and Neal Cox for the wonderful dinner last night! Spinach linguini, a hearty salad, rolls and apple pie. Thanks to the meals from friends, I was able to get a bit more organized around the house this weekend, do some yard work, clean a bathroom, clean 2 1/2 loads of laundry and work a few hours for the gallery on Saturday and Sunday. I gotta cut that last duty out of my weekends!!
No working on weekends!