trying to keep spirits high
So... Sarah's back in the hospital. Sunday she and I decided her stomach-centered contractions were too close together (8-12 min apart) and that we needed to call the doctor. The doctor recommended another visit to the hospital. Tonight is her second night there. They have tried ritodrine/terbutaline and nifedipine to slow the contractions. She's reacting 'ok' to these drugs (to the nifedipine/Procardia better I think) but if they stop working, the doctor wants to use magnesium sulfate for preterm labor. From my reading, magnesium sulfate is more risky than beneficial.
Sarah is only 27 1/2 weeks... always eating healthy foods, always drinking water (hydrated), and taking prenatal vitamins. We know she is more prone to preterm labor because of her carrying twins and her body size. We want to keep the boys developing for AS LONG AS POSSIBLE but don't want to harm mother or children. Keep your fingers crossed for us. With these hospital visits, I think we're both in sleep depravation training. I'm sure we can put our training to use after the births!