1 : to grow, spring up, or come forth as or as if a sprout 2 : to send out new growth transitive verb : to send forth or up : cause to develop : grow
Weekend reassurance
A visit from the boys' Aunt Elisabeth and Cousin Lee Amber this weekend was enormously helpful to us, putting our new-parent anxieties at ease. We're so appreciative of their visit, and the boys definitely enjoyed it, too! Finn and Aunt Elisabeth
12 hours after arriving back home -I miss the little guys already! Don't get me wrong, I miss you guys too. Take care, you're on an adventure of a lifetime. It's going to be a great ride! Love, Aunt Elisabeth
1 comment:
12 hours after arriving back home -I miss the little guys already! Don't get me wrong, I miss you guys too. Take care, you're on an adventure of a lifetime. It's going to be a great ride!
Love, Aunt Elisabeth
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