Monday was no fun. First of all, our landlord completely stressed us out and left us dreaming of the day when we'll own our own home. Secondly, I had a bad headache and felt jittery all day long. You would've thought I had taken a terbutaline, but I hadn't. And to top it all off, the contractions started to come more strongly and frequently. I blame the landlord.
On Tuesday morning, the contractions had exceeded the "six in an hour limit" set by the doctor, so I reluctantly took a terbutaline (more jitteriness!). Then it was off to the doctor for our 34-week appointment. My blood pressure was a little high (probably because of the terbutaline), but the babies seemed to be doing okay. The babies heart rates were monitored for about 45 minutes in the doctor's office, and we were told that they were doing fine. What a relief, especially given how bad I was feeling.
Now for the big news... we have a plan for welcoming our little sprouts into the world! At our next doctor's appointment, they'll do a final ultrasound to determine the size and position of the babies. This will determine whether or not a C-section will be necessary. I will also go off of the nifedipine, which I have been taking every six hours to prevent pre-term labor. Finally, nature will be allowed to take its course! My guess is we'll be meeting our baby boys very soon (they're getting pretty crowded in there)!