Kai's first time in his Keekaroo high chair
Finn playing with Kai's leg on the play matWhat a wonderful day October 31st was! The sprouts were up at 7:30 a.m., a slightly later than normal time, allowing Mom and Pops to rest a bit more than usual. We did bottles, coffee for the adults, cereal for the babies, and were off to the Nac Farmer's Market. On our way to the market, the boys fell asleep in the car and continued to nap when we left the market to drive to civilization (ie. Sam's Club and Target) for essentials like formula in bulk, new pacifiers, and kitty litter. The boys woke up while we were shopping and fussed on the way home. However, once they had their lunch, a walk to the grocery, and a nap, they were ready for HALLOWEEN!
Skeletons!At 5:30 p.m. we all piled into the car and drove over to see Great Aunt Leslie and Great Uncle Tommy. We also dropped by Scott and Kathy Robinson's house and Scott and Chay's before heading home to feed the children of Nacogdoches organic lollipops from
Yummy Earth. Damn those lollies are good!
We were warned that our street was a magnet for trick-or-treaters of all shapes and sizes, but man were we in for a surprise!! Cars and trucks lined the streets from 6 to 9 p.m. Children from stroller age to teen swarmed people's yards. I have never seen anything like it! After the boys' cereal dinner, all four of us sat on the front stoop to greet the ghosts and goblins. Two wolfmen, a handful of punk rockers, a Jon Bon Jovi look-alike, one southern belle, and a kid with a Charlie Brown sheet-ghost costume were among the visitors last night. Afterward, we headed inside, gathered up the remaining candy, moved our spooky pumpkin indoors, unplugged the Halloween lights, and switched off the porch lamp. It was well past 8 p.m. and time for the sprouts' bottles and bed.
Today we're taking it easy. Hope everyone had a Spooktacular H, A, double L, O, W, double E, N!
November 1st morning