
Overdue post about the sprouts!

We have been delinquent. There's no denying the fact that we have not posted to cutler.sprout in over a month. As Kai and Finn mature, so has their daily routine. They are sleeping less during the day and more at night. This is great for parents who need their batteries recharged with a decent night's sleep, but bad for finding time to blog!

News to report: The boys, especially Kai, have found their laughs! We discovered baby giggles in Houston over Labor Day weekend when playing with the boys. We'd scoop up Kai and raise him into the air over and over again. This produced strengthened hamstrings for Daddy and giggles from baby! Check out the video below of the boys' encounter with their babysitter's dog on the SFA Native Plant Center walking trails:

Bumping into the Robinson family on the trails

1 comment:

Unknown said...

look at the matching outfits!! I mean you two and not the twins! we should talk "house buying" sometimes--it is SUPER STRESSFUL