
a hairy situation

Kai and Finn @ 4 months

For those of you who have experienced the joys of pregnancy, childbirth and beyond, you know that each stage has its challenges as well. Well, I’m in the “I’m losing all of my hair” postpartum stage. Good grief, I’ve heard about shedding hair after having a baby, but this is ridiculous! Our two cats combined don’t shed as much as I do now. I feel like I’m going bald.

Speaking of balding, I’m not the only one losing hair. Kai and Finn are sporting a new, sparser look on top of their heads. Their fine, wispy newborn hair has given way to new growth. It’ll be a while before they each have a full head of hair, but they’re on their way. Their eyebrows are also filling in, and their eyes are getting darker. You definitely can see the underlying brown color of their eyes in the sunlight.


Zay said...

The boys are beautiful.

Denise said...

Ha - great post. Christian should join in on the fun and lose some hair too!

Cathy Rouse said...

what a handsome pair! they are starting to look more like each other, also.

Unknown said...

do you put them in different shirts to tell them apart?