Finn decided that my MacBook needed customization this morning. I would have kept his creation but resale value dictates an all white MacBook. F.Y.I. Rubbing alcohol removes Sharpie from white plastic.
\ˈsprau̇t\ 1 : to grow, spring up, or come forth as or as if a sprout 2 : to send out new growth transitive verb : to send forth or up : cause to develop : grow
He is so creative.
that's a cool design bro!
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I'd like to arrange for a new one for you to have a cristall white macbook, maybe with a PERSONAL greeting message on screen saying that strangers abroad are still loved and missed and their family wants to care about him,
however, I lack sufficient funds to do so. If you grant me some I will start off wraping up your present from Santa. This may be at least something that I share in most common with you. A lottery win would be fine;D
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