Kai and Finn are growing up faster than we ever imagined. It seems like just yesterday they were tiny babies, yet they've changed so much in the two years and three months they've been on this earth.
As twin brothers, they often bicker and attempt to get each other's goat, just as brothers are known to do. However, there are times that are surprisingly sweet and special to us, when we see how much Kai and Finn love each other and appreciate having a brother/friend. Tonight was one of those nights.
After putting them to bed, Sarah and I switched on their audio monitor and went to the kitchen to prep our dinner. A lengthy chat ensued between them, which is something they do regularly before falling off to sleep. After 10 minutes or so of conversation and mumbling, it was obvious that the sandman had finally arrived. When we went to check on them before going to bed ourselves, this is what we discovered:

Kai and Finn had moved every blanket, pillow, and stuffed animal from Finn's bed into Kai's, and they had fallen asleep on the pile.
Growing up as a twin might be rough at times, but it has its advantages too.
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