First of all, we want to say that we feel absolutely terrible that we haven't posted to our blog since before Christmas. We don't have a very good excuse except that this family of four has been very busy!

Christmas morning was absolutely wonderful! It was Kai and Finn's first Christmas, as well as the first Christmas in our new house. We dreamed of having a Norman Rockwell-type Christmas morning, but we also knew that it probably would be far from it. In reality, it was about as close to Norman Rockwell as you can get! We had a wonderful time getting up on Christmas morning, opening presents, taking a break for breakfast, and opening more presents. It was pure joy!

Afterward, we packed up the car and headed for Grandmother and Grandfather's house in Houston...more presents, and the first Christmas with Uncle Tyler! We're very thankful that he's a part of our lives.
Christian and I rang in the New Year at home with friends, cocktails, and a fabulous board game called "Ticket to Ride." The babies slept through the whole thing.
Apple eating
About a week after the boys returned to the Early Childhood Lab, they came down with hand, foot, and mouth disease. Really not fun. Then I contracted the disease right as they were recovering from it (it's pretty rare for adults to get it). As if that weren't enough, immediately following hand, foot, and mouth, the boys contracted RSV, which can be a very serious respiratory infection requiring hospitalization and breathing treatments. Luckily, they escaped all of that. However, they're currently suffering from the normal cold, and Finn has an ear infection. Our friends tell us that things get much better once they reach 2-years-old. I'm hoping that's true for the boys.
January was also a big month for Christian and me at work. Christian was having to conduct business at the Art Center without phones or Internet. It's a long story, but after crippling along for a month, Christian finally has phones and Internet again. As for me, a co-worker of mine was fired after making work a miserable experience for a lot of people. Now that he's gone, things are finally back to normal.
So, we hope you can forgive us for not posting to our blog sooner. Things have been crazy around here, but hopefully we're turning a corner. We're setting our sights on Kai and Finn's first birthday next month. We can't believe they're almost one-year-old! It's bittersweet for us. We love seeing their personalities develop more and more each day, but it's all happening so fast.
Kai and Finn on Christian's Birthday
Feb. 12th: 4" of snow fell on East Texas!

Awesome pix!! What I want to know if why there aren't any pix from your vegas trip? lol. I hope fin recovers soon I hear that ear infection is VERY painful--my cat had it in November and I was heart broken watching her being sick! not fun--get better soon Fin.
The most inportant thing is having a family and keep it happy i love the way you are making up with your lovely kids...i always love amd my pray comes that let children alwyas stay in happiness although some times it is not possible but i love your family.i alwyas cry when i find kids on streets and i had to take part and start caring for some that God tells me to and that he shows me at a time.
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