1 : to grow, spring up, or come forth as or as if a sprout 2 : to send out new growth transitive verb : to send forth or up : cause to develop : grow
When all else fails to calm the child...
... put on a Moby D wrap and start vacuuming. It works.
Sonnie, We did get Moby wraps! They are amazing. My college roommate (now living in Alaska) sent two Moby D's to us. We use use them a lot and I've even worn one on Main St. in Nac!
Yay! Y'all got a Moby wrap. :)
Sonnie, We did get Moby wraps! They are amazing. My college roommate (now living in Alaska) sent two Moby D's to us. We use use them a lot and I've even worn one on Main St. in Nac!
It's good to see even with two little bubs you can still be hands free.
Btw...I hope you two make sure to document your new adventures as home owners. :)
Love this!!
Is that really a baby in there??
It's the white noise. My sister used the exhaust fan on the stove. :)
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