
Nacogdoches shower

Marty and Sarah

Saturday Kai, Finn, Sarah and I were given a shower by a number of friends: Marty Prince, Chay Runnels, Linda Mock, Lauren McAdams, and Michelle Rozic! It was a wonderful evening. Marty decorated her front yard with paper lanterns, set up a party tent in her driveway, and decorated her house with vintage toys and flowers for all to enjoy!

Kai and Finn doing what they do best at social gatherings

Kai and Finn slept through most of the shower, missing the hurried retreat into the house when the skies darkened overhead and threatened to shower on the shower. Fortunately, the front only delivered cool air and we all grabbed another beer and headed back out into the yard and driveway to enjoy the evening.

tl: Lauren and Finn, tr: Scott and Reese eat'n meatballs!, bl: Kira, her mother, and Kai, br: The proud parents with their arms full!


Denise said...

Love seeing photos of you guys holding your babes. It's just spectacular.

Chaybee said...

Okay - That is not Scott and Rees eating meatballs, that is Rees only eating meatballs... poor Daddy had to wait until the meat-fiend was done.