1 : to grow, spring up, or come forth as or as if a sprout 2 : to send out new growth transitive verb : to send forth or up : cause to develop : grow
With children @ 31.75 weeks
I took Sarah outside this evening for a quick documentation of her and the twins. If the doctor asks, she was just taking a round-about route to the bathroom... since Sarah only has "bathroom privileges!"
Sarah, you look adorable and I love your new hairdo! Mine is short now too, and I'm not I could ever go back at this point. Hang in there! Steve and I are thinking about you.
Love this photo! So, you guys have an outhouse in the backyard?
Sarah, you look adorable and I love your new hairdo! Mine is short now too, and I'm not I could ever go back at this point. Hang in there! Steve and I are thinking about you.
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