Good news first: James Hughes gave the sprouts their
Threadless T-shirts! I contacted Threadless customer service and they contacted James. James, in turn, let us know via Facebook that he was behind the gift. Here's Finn in the arty monster T.
Bad news: Kai is sick. Sarah and I called the doctor yesterday morning when his temperature reached the scary level of 103.9! After a treatment of Motrin and loads of sleep yesterday, Kai seemed to be on the road to recovery. Last night, however, he was very fussy, feverish, and obviously in pain. This morning we called the doctor again, and she came into her office to see him. The doctor discovered that he has an ear infection and an ulcer on his throat. He's on medication now and napping. He's eating fairly well, but he's not drinking much at all. If we can't get him hydrated today, then we may have to check him in to the hospital to receive fluids.
It is so tough to see a baby in pain. They have no way of telling you what hurts, and when all the medication knocks 'em out and alters their mood, all you want to do is hold them... even if your arm goes numb and cold due to the weight!