On Tuesday Kai and Finn had their 4-month doctor's appointment. They weren't super thrilled with going to the doctor, and the shots didn't help, but the doctor only had good news to report. Kai now weights 12 pounds 2.5 ounces, and Finn weights 13 pounds 1 ounce. They seem to be doing well, and the doctor said we could try feeding them cereal now. We've only heard good things about cereal (like babies will sleep for longer stretches at night), so we were anxious to try it. Last night Kai and Finn had their first taste of rice cereal, and it went pretty well! It took them both a few mouthfuls to get the hang of it, but they seemed to like it. As for sleeping, though, that's another story. Finn slept incredibly well for most of the night, but Kai woke up around 4 a.m. with a tummy ache. Once we got Kai back to sleep, Finn woke up. Maybe tonight will be better. We're hopeful.