Well, as some of you know by now, I was put on bed rest for an indefinite period of time. Following some unusual symptoms this past weekend, I went to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon just to make sure everything was okay. I was shocked to hear that I was already dilating and needed to check into the hospital for overnight observation. After arriving at the hospital and being hooked up to several monitors, the nurses determined that I was also experiencing contractions. They were able to stop the contractions with medication and send me home the next morning with orders for strict bed rest. So far, the babies seem to be doing okay.
This isn't at all what we expected, especially given how easy this pregnancy has been (until now). Christian has been amazingly supportive, though. Bed rest isn't easy for me, but it's not easy for him either. Still, he manages to put a smile on my face each and every day.
We'll be posting any updates on the blog. Our next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday for our 28-week ultrasound. We'll let you know how it goes. Maybe we'll even have some new baby pictures to post!