
Sip and See weekend

Oh my goodness! Thank you Kodak for developing/inventing the digital sensor and digital cameras; otherwise weekends like this past one would require a ton of film!

Relaxing in Houston

On Thursday, Kai and Finn took their first road trip! We all went to Houston to hang out with the Cutler grandparents, meet the boys' Aunt Leigh and Great-Grandmother Cutler( "GaGa"), and to attend a "Sip and See." Kai and Finn got to meet Bartlett Street neighbors of my parents, family friends, and friends of mine from my high school days.

Paula, John, Sarah, Gaga, Kai, Finn, Christian, and Great-Great-Uncle Sonny

Sally Lehr with Finn

Emily Dietrcih Wells with Finn

Gaga with the boys

Cutler grandparents with Kai

Other weekend events:

Bath time with grandmother

Quality time with Great-Uncle Bill "Bud" Murdy

Feeding time with Aunt Leigh and Daddy-O

Kai gives Aunt Leigh a few tips on napping

Finn and his duck from Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill


Zay said...

I loooove the first photo! :)

Unknown said...

awwaww they are so cute! these pix are the best thing happening to me today!

Leigh said...

Love the first pic. How do they sleep through so much? Btw, Kai is a good napping teacher. I got in a good half hour of couch rest!

Michelle Cox said...

Oh, all these photos are so great!! I can't wait to see them in person! When you have both of them together it makes my heart smile!

Please let me know if I can help pack boxes or hold babies! Ben was 8 weeks old when we moved here, so I know how hard it is get anything done.